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The Investment Answer 9781455503308书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9781455503308
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2013-12
  • 页数:96
  • 价格:100.10
  • 纸张:暂无纸张
  • 装帧:暂无装帧
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 读书笔记:点击查看
  • 原文摘录:点击查看


What if there were a way to cut through all the financial mumbo-jumbo? Wouldn't it be great if someone could really explain to us-in plain and simple English-the basics we must know about investing in order to insure our financial freedom?

At last, here's good news.

Jargon-free and written for all investors-experienced, beginner, and everyone in between-THE INVESTMENT ANSWER distills the process into just five decisions-five straightforward choices that can lead to safe and sound ways to manage your money.

When Wall Street veteran Gordon Murray told his good friend and financial advisor, Dan Goldie, that he had only six months to live, Dan responded, "Do you want to write that book you've always wanted to do?" The result is this eminently valuable primer which can be read and understood in one sitting, and has advice that benefits you, not Wall Street and the rest of the traditional financial services industry.

THE INVESTMENT ANSWER asks readers to make five basic but key decisions to stack the investment odds in their favor. The advice is simple, easy-to-follow, and effective, and can lead to a more profitable portfolio for every investor. Specifically:

* Should I invest on my own or seek help from an investment professional?

* How should I allocate my investments among stocks, bonds, and cash?

* Which specific asset classes within these broad categories should I include in my portfolio?

* Should I take an actively managed approach to investing, or follow a passive alternative?

* When should I sell assets and when should I buy more?

In a world of fast-talking traders who believe that they can game the system and a market characterized by instability, this extraordinary and timely book offers guidance every investor should have.














What if there were a way to cut through all the financial mumbo-jumbo? Wouldn't it be great if someone could really explain to us-in plain and simple English-the basics we must know about investing in order to insure our financial freedom?

At last, here's good news.

Jargon-free and written for all investors-experienced, beginner, and everyone in between-THE INVESTMENT ANSWER distills the process into just five decisions-five straightforward choices that can lead to safe and sound ways to manage your money.

When Wall Street veteran Gordon Murray told his good friend and financial advisor, Dan Goldie, that he had only six months to live, Dan responded, "Do you want to write that book you've always wanted to do?" The result is this eminently valuable primer which can be read and understood in one sitting, and has advice that benefits you, not Wall Street and the rest of the traditional financial services industry.

THE INVESTMENT ANSWER asks readers to make five basic but key decisions to stack the investment odds in their favor. The advice is simple, easy-to-follow, and effective, and can lead to a more profitable portfolio for every investor. Specifically:

* Should I invest on my own or seek help from an investment professional?

* How should I allocate my investments among stocks, bonds, and cash?

* Which specific asset classes within these broad categories should I include in my portfolio?

* Should I take an actively managed approach to investing, or follow a passive alternative?

* When should I sell assets and when should I buy more?

In a world of fast-talking traders who believe that they can game the system and a market characterized by instability, this extraordinary and timely book offers guidance every investor should have.


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