Credit Risk Assessment: The New Lending System For Borrowers, Lenders, And Investors 9780470461686 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线
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Existing credit risk assessment methods have put too much of
an emphasis on past loan performance and historical market
conditions and not enough on borrower capacity, new mortgage
product risk characteristics, and economic cycles. According to
industry practitioners Clark Abrahams and Mingyuan Zhang, the
housing market bubble boom and burst and the subsequent financial
crisis could have been prevented had these underwriting gaps been
properly addressed.
Credit Risk Assessment: The New Lending System for Borrowers,
Lenders, and Investors equips you with an effective comprehensive
credit assessment framework (CCAF) that can provide early warning
of risk, thanks to its forward-looking analyses that do not rely on
the premise that the past determines the future. Revealing how an
existing credit underwriting system can be extended to embrace all
relevant factors and business contexts in order to accurately
classify credit risk and drive all transactions in a transparent
manner, Credit Risk Assessment clearly lays out the facts.
This well-timed book explores how your company can improve its
current credit assessment system to balance risk and return and
prevent future financial disruptions. Describing how a new and
comprehensive lending framework can achieve more complete and
accurate credit risk assessment while improving loan transparency,
affordability, and performance, Credit Risk Assess-ment
How a CCAF connects borrowers, lenders, and investors—with
greater transparency
The current financial crisis and its implications
The root cause to weaknesses in loan underwriting practices and
lending systems
The main drivers that undermine borrowers, lenders, and
Why a new generation of lending systems is needed
Market requirements and how a comprehensive risk assessment
framework can meet them
The notion of an underwriting gap and how it affects the lenders'
underwriting practices
Typical issues associated with credit scoring models
How improper use of credit scoring in under-writing
underestimates the borrower's credit risk
The ways in which the current lending system fails to address
loan affordability
How mortgage and capital market financial innovation relates to
the crisis
Whether you are a borrower, a lender, or an investor, Credit Risk
Assessment enables you to better understand the weaknesses in
today's loan underwriting and to better cope with financial
weaknesses toward fostering a new generation of credit models that
possess greater transparency.
CLARK ABRAHAMS is Chief Financial Architect at SAS, where he
leads business and product development. He has over thirty years of
experience in the financial services industry with corporations
including Bank of America and Fair Isaac Corporation.
MINGYUAN ZHANG, PhD, is Principal Consultant at SAS. He has over
ten years of experience in developing and implementing economic
forecasting, data mining, and financial risk management solutions
for thefinancial services industry.
&"Clark and Mingyuan start with an insightful and
comprehensive de*ion of how market participants contributed to
the current crisis in the residential mortgage markets and the root
causes of the crisis. They then proceed to develop a new
residential mortgage lending system that can fix our broken markets
because it addresses the root causes. The most impressive
attributes of their new system is its commonsense return to the
basics of traditional underwriting, combined with factors based on
expert judgment and statistics and forward-looking attributes, all
of which can be updated as markets change. The whole process is
transparent to the borrower, lender, and investor.&"
—Dean Schultz, President and CEO, Federal Home Loan Bank of San
&"The credit market crisis of 2008 has deeply affected the
economic lives of every American. Yet, its underlying causes and
its surface features are so complex that many observers and even
policymakers barely understand them. This timely book will help
guide nonspecialists through the workings of financial markets,
particularly how they value, price, and distribute
—Professor William Greene, Stern School of Business, New York
&"This book is a well-timed departure from much of what is
being written today regarding the current foreclosure and credit
crisis. Rather than attempting to blame lenders, borrowers, and/or
federal regulators for the mortgage meltdown and the subsequent
impacts on the financial markets, Clark and Mingyuan have proposed
a groundbreaking new framework to revolutionize our current lending
system. The book is built on the authors' deep understanding of
risk and the models used for credit analysis, and reflects their
commitment to solve the problem. What I find most profound is their
passion to develop a system that will facilitate new and better
investment, especially in underserved urban markets that have been
disproportionately impacted in the current crisis. I applaud the
authors for this important work, and urge practitioners and
theorists alike to investigate this new approach.&"
—John Talmage, President and CEO, Social Compact
&"In the wake of the credit crisis, it is clear that
transparency is the key to not repeating history. In Credit Risk
Assessment: The New Lending System for Borrowers, Lenders and
Investors, Clark Abrahams and Mingyuan Zhang describe a new lending
framework that seeks to connect all the players in the lending
chain and provide a more holistic view of customers' risk
potential. As the financial services industry recovers from the
mortgage meltdown, the Abrahams/Zhang lending model certainly
offers some new food for thought to laymen and professionals
—Maria Bruno-Britz, Senior Editor, Bank Systems & Technology
"Clark and Mingyuan start with an insightful and comprehensive description of how market participants contributed to the current crisis in the residential mortgage markets and the root causes of the crisis. They then proceed to develop a new residential mortgage lending system that can fix our broken markets because it addresses the root causes. The most impressive attributes of their new system is its commonsense return to the basics of traditional underwriting, combined with factors based on expert judgment and statistics and forward-looking attributes, all of which can be updated as markets change. The whole process is transparent to the borrower, lender, and investor." --Dean Schultz, President and CEO, Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco "The credit market crisis of 2008 has deeply affected the economic lives of every American. Yet, its underlying causes and its surface features are so complex that many observers and even policymakers barely understand them. This timely book will help guide nonspecialists through the workings of financial markets, particularly how they value, price, and distribute risk." --Professor William Greene, Stern School of Business, New York University "This book is a well-timed departure from much of what is being written today regarding the current foreclosure and credit crisis. Rather than attempting to blame lenders, borrowers, and/or federal regulators for the mortgage meltdown and the subsequent impacts on the financial markets, Clark and Mingyuan have proposed a groundbreaking new framework to revolutionize our current lending system. The book is built on the authors' deep understanding of risk and the models used for credit analysis, and reflects their commitment to solve the problem. What I find most profound is their passion to develop a system that will facilitate new and better investment, especially in underserved urban markets that have been disproportionately impacted in the current crisis. I applaud the authors for this important work, and urge practitioners and theorists alike to investigate this new approach." --John Talmage, President and CEO, Social Compact "In the wake of the credit crisis, it is clear that transparency is the key to not repeating history. In Credit Risk Assessment: The New Lending System for Borrowers, Lenders and Investors, Clark Abrahams and Mingyuan Zhang describe a new lending framework that seeks to connect all the players in the lending chain and provide a more holistic view of customers' risk potential. As the financial services industry recovers from the mortgage meltdown, the Abrahams/Zhang lending model certainly offers some new food for thought to laymen and professionals alike." --Maria Bruno-Britz, Senior Editor, Bank Systems and Technology magazine
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